Reaching Our Community's Kids
Loveland ROCK, Inc.
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The ROCK Program
The ROCK Program

"Our goal each week is to provide students the tools to make healthy choices in their everyday life.  We are here to support them and counsel them with any problems they encounter along their journey to success." -Judge Belinda Loveland


ROCK, Reaching Our Community Kids, was created in 2003 by Rowlett Municipal Judge Belinda Loveland. The ROCK program is a community-based program bringing local schools and community together to provide guidance and assistance to at risk youth in the community. Community supporters in the past have included members from Rowlett Lions Club, Rotary Club, Police Department, Fire Department, School District, and business leaders from around the Rowlett community.  The program serves to provide tools, training, support, and mentorship to these youth to prepare them for a more successful future. 

The program is on a weekly basis, normally the children are separated into smaller groups to achieve a greater impact.  Local high school students and community volunteers meet weekly with program participates at Colye Middle School.

At the after school meetings, mentors are available for tutoring, advice, and discussing those difficult topics every week such as strategies to raise self-esteem, making good choices, and overcoming feelings of inferiority.

Other activities include:

  • Talent shows
  • Self-esteem groups
  • Hip hop dancing
  • Step dancing
  • Drug awareness programs
  • Career guidance

Previous ROCK Itinerary - Girls ROCK Program: Fall 2008

Week One: Oct 29th: Being a Girl:
Highlight the advantages of being a girl, take pride in being a girl, acknowledge and accept differences.  Also talk about what the difficulties are by being a girl and what they should do when they are experiencing a difficult time.
The girls will be doing a magazine collage project.

Week Two: Nov 5th: Body Image and Goals for Healthy Living:

To promote healthy living in girls - makeover (hair and make-up) and photographs after the makeover

Week Three: Nov 12th: Role Models:
Identify what makes a good role model, determine why we need role models, define a "good" role model

Speakers: Role Models age 16-18 (high school); Role Models age 19-22 (college); Role Models age 23-30 (professional)
*Explain a little about your self.  Why do you think you are a positive role model for girls?  Name the top 5 most important things in your life.  Who was your role model?  Who helped shape who you are?  What advice do you have for this group of girls?

*The "Role Models" will assist the girls in writing a letter to their role model explaining why their role model is important to them and how they have been an positive influence on them. Assist girls in mailing the letter (some girls have no idea how to write a letter, address an envelope, etc, give a brief overview before getting started).
Week Four: Nov 19th: Growth and Self Care:
To understand the difference between internal growth (feelings, emotions) and external growth (self-care, grooming); Self-care is necessary to sustain life, Personal growth comes from personal care

Volunteer speaker in health care industry and spa/salon to disucss  why it is important to care for yourself inside and out--and how the 2 are related.  Also volunteers to paint the girls nails. The girls will decorate personal mirrors to take home as gift.


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