Reaching Our Community's Kids
Loveland ROCK, Inc.
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Creator Belinda A. Loveland
A Reflection of Belinda A. Loveland
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The ROCK program is an after-school and summer mentoring program designed to teach life skills to at-risk youth, providing them with the training and encouragement necessary to succeed in school and stay out of the juvenile justice system, while advocating the benefits of living substance free. We provide educational scholarships to deserving high school graduates that have attended the program to assist them in achieving higher education. ROCK strives to provide students the tools to make healthy choices in their everyday life.  We are here to support them and counsel them with any problems they encounter along their journey to success.

"ROCK is unique to the City of Rowlett.  Judge Loveland established the program and she, almost single-handedly, made it successful.  When you ask our young citizens who participated in ROCK what difference it made in their life, it is changed their life for the better!  ROCK is one of the very few external programs that the Mayor & City Council provides financial support.  That is a testimony to its worth and its effectiveness.   Because of Judge Loveland....and now her family...ROCK lives on." -John E. Harper (Mayor of Rowlett)

   The tide had thrown thousands of starfish onto the beach. Unable to return to the ocean, they were dying. Then a young beachcomber saw their plight and began picking up the starfish one by one and throwing them back into the water.

     One watching his seemingly futile effort observed, "There must be thousands of starfish here; you couldn't possibly throw enough of them back to make a difference."

     Ignoring the criticism, the young man picked up another starfish and tossed it back into the waves.

"It made a difference to that one," he said.

  (adapted from The Star Thrower by Loren Eiseley 1907 – 1977)

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