"ROCK is as valuable to mentors as it is to mentees," stated Tiffany Karns, an AP Psychology teacher at Rowlett High School and a facilitator of the program. She further adds that the program instills "confidence in their ability to make an impact on the word around them, which will surely carry through their college careers and beyond."
Mentees can be initially timid and reserved, but they gradually begin to befriend their volunteer mentors, high school students who drive from the local high school, in time for snacks and fellowship. The young middle school students in the program come from a myriad of different backgrounds and home situations, but for some strange reason Capri Suns and good conversation do wonders for a troubled heart.
Topics such as taking pride in oneself, feelings of inferiority, and making choices with a purpose are addressed each week, but the discussions are far from superficial; tears have been shed as both mentors and mentees invest in each others’ lives. ROCK was designed to offer both older and younger students the chance to share their hearts, and, ironically, the outpouring of past struggles often assures younger students of the fact that they’re not alone in weathering the storms of adolescence.
Adopted from Rowlett All-American City Application discussing ROCK Program. Writer Unknown.